Thursday, June 20, 2013

My weight loss journey: the Beginning

Well this is it. I have reached the point of no return. I no longer want to be the size that I am. I don't like that I've gotten myself here and it's time for a change. No more excuses. I only want results. I have bad family history on both sides and two kids looking up to me and how I live my life. Sitting at the computer for hours every day isn't getting me any healthier or happier! Reading about OTHER people's incredible weight loss journeys and beautiful home décor isn't making me thinner or getting my house decorated to reflect me!

So, here it is: the Beginning.

I'm going to count my calories every day and stay at 1400/day. I'm also going to walk at least 30 minutes per day.

These are baby steps to get me to where I want to be: healthier and happier! A year from now I'd like to be in a size 8. That seems reasonable.

Parker turns 2

 I can't believe that my baby turns two today! How did we get here so fast? I'm really teary about this birthday. When Makenzie has a birthday if feels like the beginning of a new adventure. With Parker it feels like the end of something instead of the beginning.
 Parker, my sweet little man, I love you so much! You are SWEET, SMART, and CHALLENGING every day. I can't get enough of you. I hold you just a few extra minutes every night before I put you to bed. I'm so thankful that you are growing and healthy. You are a bundle of energy that keeps me going!
I'm sad that you are no longer a baby but I am really enjoying the sweet little boy that you are now. Thank you so much for loving me in an unconditional way. I'm so thankful for the way you show me glimpses of how Jesus loves us. I love you baby, Happy Birthday!