Thursday, February 4, 2010

Random ranting

Why is it so hard to get out of the house on time? I get up "early" and get myself completely ready and then I get Makenzie up. Well, today I got Makenzie up at the time we should've been leaving the house! So I'm rushing her to get dressed, I feed her "breakfast" in the car, and then I'm exhausted by the time we make it to where we're going. Thankfully the place we were going today was a women's bible study at church. So I left there feeling much better than I did when I arrived. Now I expect that after an early morning wake up call and playing with other kids all morning Makenzie would be ready for a long nap. However, I put her down at two o'clock after eating lunch...and she's still awake an hour later. So much for that three hour nap I was hoping for to get the house clean before my parents come over tomorrow. Plus, the plumber just called to say he'd be here in the morning to install the new toilet. Why clean your house when a workman is going to be in and out all morning? I'll blog complete details about the bathroom renovation once the project is complete. Let's just say that what was supposed to take a weekend is now going on two weeks plus! (and the stove is going out!) Back to my original question about getting out of the house on time. I was grateful to hear that most of the women in my bible study have the same problem, even those that don't have little ones!
Another interesting thing I found out at bible study is that most of the women in our group had really bad childhoods in regards to their hair. You know those years where you just want to mark yourself out of the yearbook because of an awful hairstyle? Or in my case a whole decade and more of bad hairstyles. I didn't start having "good" hair until I was in college. It made me feel better that I wasn't the only one. I hope that some how my rant brings some joy to others in knowing that we're all in this together and not as different as we may sometimes think.


  1. Blogger deleated my blog list and I lost your sight. Well I found it under the "followers" tab. Anyway happy to see you blogging again. You are not alone.....time mangagement is out the window as far as I am concerned when you become a mom.

  2. I can't spell....I lost your site.

  3. cute blog. found it thru groupsites. we can't make it out the door on time either
