Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can I Cry Now?

Makenzie is growing up! She transitioned to a "BIG girl bed" tonight. She was sort of unsure about it, but also excited. This is the first step of many in her process of growing up and I never realized how hard it would be on me. It made me wonder how my parents, especially my mom, ever let me do anything. How did she leave me at college? I cried like a baby after we took the crib away and put in the full sized bed. I can't imagine what I'll be like when we have to leave her at college, or even let her spend the night at a friends house, or...go on a date!

I love how proud she looks in this picture!
Another thing that was hard about today was going through Makenzie's clothes that we had stored in the attic. We were saving them in case baby number two was a girl. Now that we know for sure that we are having a boy it is time to sell or donate all of her old things. I haven't even gotten to the hardest part...her infant clothes! I may have to save the outfit we brought her home from the hospital in. So, lots of big steps being taken in the Neal household today. We still have the biggest transition of all to come in June.


  1. Watching your babies grow up is bittersweet. My baby (oldest) is 12 now & just started Middle School. All sorts of new things come with Middle School, some good but some bad. Oh how I wish we could go back to transitioning to a big girl bed. Your sweetie looks so proud and her bed is so pretty. Hang tough Momma!

  2. I saved quite a few of the boy's special outfits. If in doubt, I keep it for now.
